1.  Object of the contract and documentation:

1.1. The purpose of this contract is to lease without operator with the machine or tool that is related to the delivery order of the machine or tool that is the object of this contract.

1.2. To rent one of our machines or tools you need some documents depending on your nationality:
-Spaniards: Only with your ID in force is enough.
-- Foreigners: You need your NIE or PASSPORT.

2.  Duration of the contract:

The beginning of the rental as a result of this contract, will be the day and time in which the machines or tools object of the contract are delivered, by the lessee to the lessee, and ends with the return and the machinery or tools rented.

3.  Payment method:

3.1. The payment of the rent of the machines or tools object of this contract, will be in cash, unless documented agreement enters the parties that refer to a different form of payment.

3.2. The landlord may request the machines or tools for a guarantee or deposit.

3.3. The return of the deposit is up to 7 days.

3.4. The billing of the machines or tools at the end of the contract whenever the machines or tools of this contract are returned and delivered, and checking their status, the last billing will be made, which will include damages or expenses that do not have been previously billed.

4.  Prices:

4.1. The price of the lease will be in accordance with the current rates.

4.2. Substitute expenses not included, independent and derived from the rental object of this contract.

A) Transportation of the leased machine or tools, provided that it is carried out with the modes or on behalf of the landlord, they will be invoiced according to the rate.

B) Damage or damage to the rented machines or tools subject to the contract, provided that they are attributable to the tenant for misuse or negligent maintenance and conservation during the term of the contract.

(C) Cost of punctures, replacement of tires, expendable material, etc.

D) Taxes and legal fees derived from the use by the user of the equipment (waste management, electricity tax, etc.).

E) Maintenance and repair costs, as a result of negligent use or misuse, will be invoiced according to current tariff prices.

F) If authorizations, permits, projects for the use of the rented machines or tools are necessary, they will be on behalf of the tenant.

G) Penalties that may occur for improper use of the rented machines or tools and/or for non-compliance with the applicable regulations during the validity of this contract, will be on behalf of the tenant.

H) The hours used for the installation, assembly and disassembly of the rented machines or equipment, when they require it, will be borne by the tenant.

(I) Any other gesture that occurs during the term of this contract that has not been contemplated in this clause and that does not correspond to the machines or tools that are the object of this contract, corresponds to the rental price or the expenses necessary for the normal maintenance of the machines or tools that are the subject of this contract.

5.  Obligations of the lessor:

5.1. The RENDER is obliged to deliver the machinery or tools object of this contract, in perfect working order.

5.2. The RENDER is obliged to have any documentation inherent to the machine or tools, in accordance with current legislation.

5.3. The RENDER is obliged, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1215/97, and in relation to article 18 of the Law for the Prevention of Occupational Risks, to transfer and supply to the LEATER, all the necessary information on the use, operation and safety of machines or tools, Object of this contract, for which it must provide the tenant with the documentation proving the fulfillment of this obligation, including the records of use, operation and safety of each machine that is the object of this contract, if any.

5.4. The RENDER is obliged to comply with the Security Plan of the tenant company, when, due to the delivery, removal or repair and maintenance of the rented machine or tools, object of this contract, it must access the work or work center, in the one who is working the specific machine or tools.

5.5. The RENDER is obliged to repair and maintain on account the machines or tools subject to this contract, where the breakdowns are of a technical nature, in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer, and must in case of prolonged stoppage of the machinery or tools, Collect or replace the machine or tools with others of the same or better characteristics or performance.

5.6. The RENDER is obliged to provide the coverage that is legally mandatory for the presentation of the activity in relation to the machines or tools object of this contract, with their personnel and with respect to third parties, coverage of own damages and against third parties, circulation, Breakdown of machinery or tools and any other that, depending on the characteristics with the machinery or tools and specifications of the rent, came by mandatory law.

6.  Obligations of the lessee:

6.1. The RENDARY, with the receipt of the machinery or tools and their rented accessories, object of this contract, will be responsible for any facts derived from the use of the leased machines or tools that are not attributable to the lessor for the breach of the obligations that are recognized in this contract.

6.2. The LEARNER shall be responsible for damages and breakdowns caused by misuse and negligent use, contrary to the manufacturer's requirements for the specific machine or tool and to the normal rules of use, operation and safety contemplated in the legislation in force and recommended and supplied by the LEARTER; Or due to poor training or lack of operator training.

6.3. The LEASON is obliged, by virtue of article 19 and in accordance with the Law on Prevention of Occupational Risks to guarantee the FORMATION AND TRAINING OF THE OPERATOR; to whoever is assigned the use or handling of the machine or machines, object of this lease.

6.4. The RENDARY is obliged to transfer to the operator and operators in charge of the use of the rented machines or tools, object of this contract, all the information provided by the lessor, regarding the machine or tool on use, operation and safety, In accordance with the provisions of the Law on Prevention of Occupational Risks, in relation to Royal Decree 1215/97.

6.5. The RENDARY is obliged to know the characteristics of the place and environment where the machine or tool will be used, object of this contract, adopting in this regard, measures are necessary, in accordance with current legislation, regarding Occupational Risks, environment, verifying in any case, Daily the technical condition and maintenance of the machine or tool subject to this contract.

6.6. The RENDARY is obliged to pay the rents that are the object of this contract, as well as the expenses derived from the use and enjoyment of them, and that are inherent to them (transport, waste, diesel, permits, authorizations, sanctions).

6.7. The RENDAR shall be liable for damages caused by the breach of the obligations contained in this contract.

6.8. The RENDARY in case of theft or theft of the rented machines or tools that are the object of this contract, will be liable for their value. In any case, it is obliged to put urgently and in writing, to the attention of the landlord, the fact and circumstances of the theft or theft for the appropriate legal processing.

6.9. In the event of a claim of the machine or tool or machines or tools, subject to this contract, the landlord is obliged to notify the landlord in writing, in the event of a loss of the machine or tools or tools, as a matter of urgency, the damage, material or body, produced during the use of the rented machine or tool object of this contract, stating the circumstances, Date, time and place, as well as the complete identification of the material, you must also provide the work insurance policy number that you have arranged, at the request of the landlord.

6.10. The LEASON is obliged to authorize access to the work center where the machinery or tools object of the present contract are delivered, removed, repaired or maintained, to the person/s commissioned by the landlord, Must inform the Safety Plan of the workplace and the measures that said person/s have to adopt, to prevent the risks to which they may be exposed during their stay in said center, and must coordinate preventive measures with the rest of activities carried out in the center.

6.11. The RENDARY is responsible for the use or handling of the machinery or tools that are the object of this contract, is reserved for the persons in charge, trained and trained both regarding the use and maintenance of the same during the entire rental period included in this contract.

6.12. The RENDAR may not assign or transfer to a third party, the use and enjoyment of the machinery or tools of this contract, during the term of the contract without the express authorization of the lessor.

7.  Modification of the contract:

Any modification, alteration or novation of the clauses and content of this contract will need the express and written authorization of the contracting parties without the tacit acceptance serving.

8.  Interpretation of the contract:

This contract will be interpreted according to the literality of its terms, in accordance with the applicable legislation and mainly to the norms of the Civil Code, Article 1543), as well as to those referred to on the prevention of Occupational Risks, the environment, and how many affect to the contractors on a supplementary basis.

9.  Jurisdiction:

The parties will settle any claim derived from this contract before the courts and tribunals of the lessor's domicile with express waiver of the contracting parties' own jurisdiction.

10.  Annex:

 The loss of the keys will imply the collection of these.